
Aquarians and the Coming Age of Aquarius

Twelve Nations of the Zodiac Each of us cycles through the Signs of the ancient Zodiac, though the order of this cycle is not known. While here on Earth we meet members of The Twelve, each forming a mystical 'nation' with language and customs all its own.

Even if you are not an Aquarian by Sun Sign, it can be well worth some investigation! You may have someone very important in your life who is an Aquarian and a little extra insight can only help. And, everyone has the Sign of Aquarius governing one of the 12 houses in their birth chart. If this is the 1st house, Aquarius is your Rising Sign or Ascendant and really, is the "other half" of your Self, partnered with your Sun Sign. If you have several planets (or the goddesses or Lilith, Chiron, Saturn, or Uranus, for example) in Aquarius, then you are more of an Aquarian than you know!

If you discover you have Venus in Aquarius - or Mars in Aquarius - this can change your entire self-understanding, for Venus rules not only our partnerships - including marriage - but to a large extent our friendships and the quality and tone of all our relationships. This is true of the material world we attract into our life, including of course our financial resources.

Each of us, at some point in our Earth History, is born into the Aquarian Sign, probably many times in the course of great Cycles of Time here on Earth. As we head into the Age of Aquarius, we are, in a way, all Aquarians now, for we will collectively experience the Aquarian archetype in a way not seen on Earth, for a long, long time...

We are not sure when The Age of Aqarius begins. Some think it began in the Sixties, with the explosion of the Baby Boomers into the world. Some feel it will start when Pluto, the karmic and evolutionary planet par excellence, moves into Aquarius in 2023 and remains there through 2043. The Age itself will last around 2,000 years, and if Uranus and Saturn have anything at all to do with it, we may have to hold onto our hats! Nothing about the Sixties was simple. The transformations begun were deep, mysterious and in some ways, even disturbing...much Uranus earthquake debris has had to be revisited, and sorted through, by Saturn. In any case, here's to the Age of Aquarius - it looks like we'll be finding the Maps as we go along...

Sun Sign as Archetype Each Sun Sign represents a major Archetype or cosmic pattern - a flowing, dynamic field of energy which enfolds, shapes and interacts with a given person, two people, or group of persons - even nations - in a given time. An Archetype is an emanation of God - one of the Energy Patterns/Stories in the Creator's Mind. Hence we refer to the archetypes as gods and goddesses. They are mysteries which we honor, and whose force we acknowledge and respect.

Archetypes encompass Past, Present and Future. They also contain their own opposites, which in a way, helps us to work through their main "lesson" - the moral of the story. Each has a strength, and each its weakness or Achilles heel. Like the great tales from mythology, we connect, as the Hero of the story, with qualities within us - the Dark and the Light - of which we had been completely unaware. As we come to know these mysteries of the Self, our story unfolds outward, to join with, and to become part of, the World we create with others.

The Sun Sign is one of the Hero's many Roads - the one we have chosen for this life...we cannot put it in a bottle or under a microscope - any more than an actor or actress can become too self-conscious when acting their role. We have to throw ourselves into being ourselves - and not look back in over-analysis or too many "if only's..." We are on a journey of exploration and self-expression in the cosmos. We are not entirely in charge of this journey! So ride the wave and don't be too concerned about the negatives of your Sun Sign - because those negatives are actually part of the positives, but this we only understand in the fullness of time.

Aquarius * Bearer of Mysterious Waters The Water Bearer - symbol of Aquarius - hints at a heavenly or esoteric essence, which Aquarius alone brings to humanity. The Waters are associated with life-giving water for the planet Earth - and this may lie in the original "gods" who taught irrigation to early human beings on the planet (see Enki, below). The Waters are also said to be symbolic of the waters of spiritual life - Aquarius symbolized baptism in some faiths, including Christian.

Ancient teachings hint that the "waters" are actually a kind of force field or energy field, better understood through physics than through the earth sciences and the waters of our oceans and the rains. The Waters of Aquarius certainly appear to be connected with Neptune, but this may be less to do with the seas on earth, and more to do with a kind of Cosmic Sea. There are a great many Sumerian tablets whose writings contain a rich mythology, which, as Zecharia Sitchin has suggested, may actually be history, and not legend. Beginning with The Twelfth Planet, Sitchin lays out what the tablets say about the gods/astronauts who came to the Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago. Astrology - in terms of the 12 signs of the Zodiac, and the celestial and earth timing used by the astronauts, played a vital role in the visits of these "gods" and their role in creating humanity along with establishing rich gardens of civilization across the face of the earth.

In a fascinating description of how our solar system was created, the "gods" describe in detail the original act of conception between a solitary pair of planets floating in a rich sea of Waters which became the Petrie dish for the creation, one by one, of each of the major planets in our solar system. As a final touch in the somewhat turbulent emergence and stabilization of the solar system, it was said that it was Neptune's odd, magnetic, hypnotic energy field which ultimately held the other planets in their orbits. Interestingly, Sumerian records show that these early "gods" - and the Sumerian civilization they nurtured - knew about all the planets in our solar system, including Uranus, "discovered" in 1781 which is the outer planet that co-rules Aquarius with Saturn. They also associated Aquarius with perhaps the most remarkable of all the astronauts, a "god" called Enki.

Enki * Ancient Origins of the Aquarius Archetype Enki is very similar to Prometheus, who stole Fire from the Gods to give to Mankind. The theme is oddly the same, for Enki gave to early humanity the practical plans and blueprints for civilization, such as the science of irrigation. Enki is said to have defended Humanity from his brother gods, when they were disappointed with our moral weaknesses (specifically, obsession with sex, it seems), and to have given the plans for the Ark before the Flood to the original Noah, whose story was later, along with others, lifted from Sumerian records to form the early books of the Bible.

Enki was always associated in Sumerian records with Aquarius, but was also in some contexts associated with the sign of Capricorn (planet Saturn) and sign of Pisces (planet Neptune). It appears that this triple designation comes from both the "ages" in which he visited and worked on Earth, and to the kind of work, as a science officer, he performed. If Enki is the ultimate archetype for Aquarius, this may be why Aquarius is more complex - and also more mysterious - than is so often portrayed in Astrology.

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